Grüne Wand


Green walls of high quality artificial plants offer several benefits both home and office environments. We offer different types of green walls. Simple (type 1 and type 2): the most budget friendly option is using a moss or artificial plant mats that are easily attached to each other and can be cut in desired shape.

Premium (type 3): using moss paintings for base and adding various loose plants, both hanging and standing that give the wall more diversity. Luxury (type 4): custom made voluminous green wall that is fully covered with plants from different species.

We'll be happy to help with your project, reach out to us via contact form.

  • Bewährte Qualität: Dieses Produkt wurde von keinem Kunden zurückgegeben.
In stock (15 pcs) - ungefähr 2-3 Wochen
€ 122,00 € 100,00
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Artikelnummer G4E_16362
Stehend/hängend Hängend
Farbe Gemischt
Inklusive Topftyp Keine
UV-Schutz Nein
Flammhemmend Nein
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