Baq Ease, Cylinder Anthracite (⌀22 ↕19.5)


The Ease collection comes with a timeless design that makes it a great fit for any space. The planters are made of fibreclay, which is a mixture of fibreglass and clay. This material makes them lightweight and quite durable at the same time. Planters in this collection are only partially waterproof, we therefore advise incorporating the use of a plastic liner. This planter comes in a bowl-like shape and has smoothly finished black color that makes it suitable as an addition to any space due to its simple yet sophisticated finish. It has a wide flat base that enhances its support for the plants and also makes it suitable for both the ground and raised surfaces.
21,35 € 17,50 €
  • Kúpte 2 po 20,29 € 16,63 € a ušetríte 5%
  • Kúpte 4 po 19,22 € 15,75 € a ušetríte 10%
✓ Široký sortiment umelých rastlín a stromov
✓ Len vysokokvalitné a realistické produkty
✓ Tovar zobrazený je k dispozícii na okamžitú objednávku
✓ Inšpirujte sa našimi predchádzajúcimi projektmi
✓ Záruka vrátenia peňazí

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Viac informácií
Číslo artikla 6EASCIA22
Hmotnosť 1.80
Druh Baq
Serie EASE
Tvar kvetináča Štandardný
Výška (cm) 19.5
Priemer (cm) 22
Vodotesný Áno
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