Baq Ecoline Rise, Wheelplate Rectangle (↔28 ↕5)


The ecoline collection gives used products a second life. They are environment friendly and are made from recycled plastic which are derived from products that have already served their purpose in life, such as old car bumpers, phones, keyboards, computers and vacuum cleaners. The products are shredded, heated and moulded into a newshape that is uniquely finished. This wheelplate is a great accessory for any plant parent. It comes with wheels that make it easy to move pots from one place to another regardless of the weight. It also has a wide surface area that increases its ability to offer maximum support for any planter placed on it. Its surface area also catches any excess water or dirt falling from the pot hence preventing spillage to the floor.
Na zalogi (100 pcs) - približno 2-3 tedne
87,84 € 72,00 €
  • Kupite 2 vsakega za 83,45 € 68,40 € in prihranite 5%
  • Kupite 4 vsakega za 79,06 € 64,80 € in prihranite 10%
- +
✓ Široka izbira umetnih rastlin in dreves
✓ Samo visokokakovostni in realistični izdelki
✓ Prikazano blago je na voljo za takojšnje naročilo
✓ Navdih poiščite v naših prejšnjih projektih
✓ Garancija vračila denarja

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Več informacij
Številka artikla 6ECOAR013
Teža 1.75
Vrsta Baq
Oblika lonca Na nogah
Dolžina (cm) 78
Širina (cm) 28
Višina (cm) 5
Vodoodporen Da
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