Baq Line-Up, Rectangle Matt White (with liner and wheelplate) (↔74 ↕75)


The Line-up collection comes fitted with subtle lines that add to its style. The planters are made of PVC foam which is a high-quality, easy-to-recycle plastic that is both lightweight and durable. The planters come with matching waterproof liners that enhance their functionality. For outdoor use, a hole can be drilled at the bottom of the planter. The planter comes in a sleek rectangular shape and is fitted with two planter holes that can be used for planting two different plants. It comes in a majestic white color that makes it great for brightening up dull spaces. As an additional benefit, the pot comes with a wheel plate that can be used to move the planter around.
Na zalogi (74 pcs) - približno 2-3 tedne
717,36 € 588,00 €
  • Kupite 2 vsakega za 681,49 € 558,60 € in prihranite 5%
  • Kupite 4 vsakega za 645,62 € 529,20 € in prihranite 10%
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✓ Navdih poiščite v naših prejšnjih projektih
✓ Garancija vračila denarja

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Več informacij
Številka artikla 6LUPR60MW
Teža 13.00
Vrsta Baq
Oblika lonca Pravokoten
Dolžina (cm) 74
Širina (cm) 38
Višina (cm) 75
Vodoodporen Da
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