Baq Naturescast, Partner (with liner) (⌀37 ↕90)


The naturescast collection gets its name from the materials used in its composition. They have a natural looking appearance and are made from forest residues, such as dry leaves, twigs and bark. The material is eco-friendly, biodegradable and recyclable, a great combination for our nature lovers. This planter comes in a cylindrical shape and is fitted with a flat firm base that gives it proper support for all plant sizes and makes it suitable to be placed both on the ground and on raised surfaces. It has a warm brown color and has a solid look with a beautiful 'seed like' structure on the surface that makes it suitable for all spaces. To add to its allure, it is fitted with a waterproof liner.
Na zalogi (16 pcs) - v roku 2 tednov
278,16 € 228,00 €
  • Kupite 2 vsakega za 264,25 € 216,60 € in prihranite 5%
  • Kupite 4 vsakega za 250,34 € 205,20 € in prihranite 10%
- +
✓ Široka izbira umetnih rastlin in dreves
✓ Samo visokokakovostni in realistični izdelki
✓ Prikazano blago je na voljo za takojšnje naročilo
✓ Navdih poiščite v naših prejšnjih projektih
✓ Garancija vračila denarja

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Več informacij
Številka artikla 6NACNAP38
Teža 6.60
Vrsta Baq
Oblika lonca Cilinder
Višina (cm) 90
Premer (cm) 37
Vodoodporen Ne
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