Baq Raindrop, Rectangle Anthracite (↔70 ↕23)


The Raindrop collection gets its name from the special texture on its surface. The planters always look like they’ve just been hit by a fresh rain shower. The pots are lightweight and made of fibreclay which is quite durable. For outdoor use, we recommend drilling a drainage hole at the bottom. This pot comes in rectangular shape. Its top has a wide opening that allows planting of multiple plants. It also has a wide flat base that increases its stability and makes iteasy for it to be placed on the ground and on raised surfaces. To top it off, It is uniquely finished adding a high level of sophistication to interior spaces. This is further increased by its color, which stands out but also easily blends in with most spaces.
Na zalogi (24 pcs) - približno 2-3 tedne
122,00 € 100,00 €
  • Kupite 2 vsakega za 115,90 € 95,00 € in prihranite 5%
  • Kupite 4 vsakega za 109,80 € 90,00 € in prihranite 10%
- +
✓ Široka izbira umetnih rastlin in dreves
✓ Samo visokokakovostni in realistični izdelki
✓ Prikazano blago je na voljo za takojšnje naročilo
✓ Navdih poiščite v naših prejšnjih projektih
✓ Garancija vračila denarja

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Več informacij
Številka artikla 6RDPAT153
Teža 7.50
Vrsta Baq
Oblika lonca Pravokoten
Dolžina (cm) 70
Širina (cm) 23
Višina (cm) 23
Vodoodporen Ne
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