Divider shelf (↔90 cm ↕180 cm)


Green4ever’s elegant divider shelf (90 x 40 x 180 cm) comes as a ready-made product, carefully assembled and installed by us for a flawless finish. Featuring lifelike artificial plants and smooth-rolling wheels for easy movement, it’s perfect for adding privacy and style to offices and homes—completely maintenance-free. Other plant options, sizes, colors and wall-mounted versions are available—see the images and contact us for details!

This product ships for free in Estonia, while international shipping is arranged on a pallet with a custom price calculation.
  • Personalizes your space with endless design options
  • Delivered ready-made, no assembly needed
  • Preverjena kakovost: Ta izdelek ni bil nikoli vrnjen s strani stranke.
  • Transforms any room with a stylish, green touch
  • Provides privacy while enhancing the environment
Na zalogi (19 pcs) - v roku 3-4 delovnih dni
2.406,55 € 1.972,58 €
- +
✓ Široka izbira umetnih rastlin in dreves
✓ Samo visokokakovostni in realistični izdelki
✓ Prikazano blago je na voljo za takojšnje naročilo
✓ Navdih poiščite v naših prejšnjih projektih
✓ Garancija vračila denarja

Note sure if this Divider shelf (↔90 cm ↕180 cm) is the right for you?
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Več informacij
Številka artikla G4E_16562
Stoječe/visi Stoječ
Višina 180 cm
UV zaščita Ne
Ognjevarno Ne
TllSt 19
3D Thumbnail /i/m/img_2994.jpg
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