Eksotična pregrada


Room dividers have multiple benefits. They are great for optimizing space by creating separate areas which for giving privacy is specially valuable in open-plan offices. They also reduce noise and create a more aesthetically pleasing work environment.

We have a huge selection of plants and planters, so each company will find what matches perfectly with their office design. The planter you see on this image is Jort M, Vertically Dark Grey (↔100 ↕50). Selection of all our rectangular planters can be found from here. In this conseption we have used 2x philodendon (95 cm) ja 2x areca palm (160 cm)

Contact us via the contact form if you're interested in room dividers and we'll happily help find a perfect solution for you.

  • Preverjena kakovost: Ta izdelek ni bil nikoli vrnjen s strani stranke.
Na zalogi (56 pcs) - v roku 2 tednov
1.021,99 € 837,70 €
- +
✓ Široka izbira umetnih rastlin in dreves
✓ Samo visokokakovostni in realistični izdelki
✓ Prikazano blago je na voljo za takojšnje naročilo
✓ Navdih poiščite v naših prejšnjih projektih
✓ Garancija vračila denarja

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Več informacij
Številka artikla G4E_16363
Teža 20.00
Stoječe/visi Stoječ
Barva Mešano
Višina 170-180 cm
Vrsta vključene posode Dekorativni lonec
UV zaščita Ne
Ognjevarno Ne
3D Thumbnail no_selection
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